Wednesday, October 15, 2008

When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine

“Before eating Mr. Pirzada always did a curious thing. He took out a plain silver watch without a band, which he kept in his breast pocket, held it briefly to one of his tufted ears, and wound it with three swift flicks of his thumb and forefinger. Unlike the watch on his wrist, the pocket watch, he had explained to me, was set to local time in Dacca, eleven hours ahead. For the rest of the meal the watch rested on his folded paper napkin on the coffee table. He never seemed to consult it.”

            This quote explains everything that this story is about. Mr. Pirzada lives his life in America, but his family is all back in Dacca, the idea that he tries to comply with the everyday traditions of the American family, but still feels himself to be in Dacca with his family is what the story speaks about, and all of this is shown through that simple quote. Lilia is astonished with all of his little quirks and strange things that he does and she cannot understand him, which is also shown in the quote through her obvious questioning of his routine.

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